Our Views

Borealis’ views on business-related sustainability topics are shaped by industry experience and science

Borealis’ innovative plastics solutions are an enabler for more sustainable living and a means to address some of the greatest societal challenges of our time. The solutions we offer to support green energy infrastructure, e-mobility, supply of clean water and the protection of food as well as healthcare applications are creating the basis for a climate-friendly and environmentally and socially sustainable society of tomorrow.

At the same time, plastics are under great societal scrutiny. No resource should be wastefully consumed or inappropriately disposed. Raw materials and production practices must be optimised to ensure the best outcome for the climate and the society. Circular material use must replace the linear way of making, consuming and disposing products.
Borealis’ views on societally important topics related to our product portfolio are shaped by the best available knowledge from the scientific community and the industry. We believe in stakeholder engagement and open dialogue when it comes to finding the most sustainable solutions, which is why we invite our stakeholders to read our views on sustainability topics related to plastics.

Combined Annual Report Borealis Group 2020 English, German