Over the full year 2020, net debt increased by EUR 264 million. Operating cash flow in 2020 exceeded the level of 2019, allowing for ongoing investments in large growth projects, acquisitions and the payment of a EUR 300 million dividend for 2019 to Borealis shareholders. Borealis financial position remained strong, with a gearing of 29% at year-end 2020.
*) Amounts from 2016-2019 have been restated due to reclassification.
In 2020 Borealis reported a Total Recordable Injuries (TRI) frequency per million working hours of 1.7. This represents a reduction in safety performance versus the 1.6 recorded in 2019. While a TRI rate of 1.7 is still world-class in the industry, this result is below our expectations and Borealis must continue to improve its safety culture in order to reach its ambitious “Goal Zero” of no accidents or incidents whatsoever.
*) Includes own employees and contractors.
*) Environmental data might be subject to minor adjustments due to ongoing audits and missing third-party data at the time of closing of this report.
EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) CO2 emissions: All greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) as per the European ETS expressed in CO2 equivalents (since 2009 this indicator has replaced the reporting of direct carbon dioxide emissions).
*) Environmental data might be subject to minor adjustments due to ongoing audits and missing third-party data at the time of closing of this report.
Primary energy consumption: Consumption of all energy vectors (i.e. fuels, electricity and steam). Electricity and steam are converted into primary energy with standard conversion factors of 40% (electricity) and 90% (steam).
*) Environmental data might be subject to minor adjustments due to ongoing audits and missing third-party data at the time of closing of this report. Severe upsets led to significant emergency flaring during shut-downs; further there was a lack of recycling capacity.
More detailed information is available in our Digital Annual Report 2020.